

Sep 20, 2023 825

"Viveka Mentorship Program" and "Viveka Company Creation Program" successfully completed!


"We have successfully completed offline sessions of ""Viveka Mentorship Program"" and ""Viveka Company Creation Program"" initiated by IRIA and sponsored by ""PASHA Holding"" .

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the online sessions for the "Viveka Mentorship Program" and the "Viveka Company Creation Program," initiated by İRİA (Innovation and Digital Development Agency) and sponsored by "PASHA Holding."

Within the framework of the "Viveka Mentorship Program," the first online sessions took place on September 5-6 at the Azerbaijan-French University, with the participation of over 20 mentor candidates. In total, mentorship program candidates were selected from various higher education institutions in Azerbaijan, including the Azerbaijan State Economic University, ADA University, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku Higher Oil School, State Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Medical University, and National Aviation Academy. During the sessions, participants received training on the fundamental principles of the entrepreneurship ecosystem, both locally and globally.

This week also marked the commencement of additional online sessions within the framework of the "Viveka Company Creation Program." The primary audience for this program consists of university students and recent graduates who aspire to start their own startups or develop existing ones.

More than 30 startup teams, selected during the application process, have gained the opportunity to participate in the program. Throughout the online sessions held at the Azerbaijan-French University, participants received theoretical and practical training on establishing a startup business model, customer selection, marketing, and creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). During workshops conducted throughout the sessions, Viveka mentors provided individual support to participating startup teams, answering their questions and offering guidance.

As of now, the online sessions for both programs have concluded, and the online sessions will continue. The "Viveka" programs have played a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation within the Azerbaijani startup ecosystem, providing valuable knowledge and mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs.