

Oct 04, 2023 1502

Kickbox Cohort II Demo Day Recap and Cohort IV Application Announcement


The Kickbox Cohort II Demo Day on September 28 showcased the promising ventures of five teams, with Cashhack and Beh.az receiving initial sponsorship intentions. Applications for Cohort IV are now open until December 24, allowing both teams and individuals to submit their innovative business ideas.

On September 28th passionate minds of Pasha Holding and its Strategic Assets gathered together at Ritz Carlton for the Demo Day of the Cohort II of Kickbox Program. Demo day was an opportunity to celebrate all the hard work and the journey the cohort have gone through, to acknowledge the mistakes and failures and to listen to the pitches to the most promising teams in the cohort.

The cohort started its journey in mid-August and was comprised of 15 teams coming from various industries - fintech, medtech, proptech, insuretech, ecom and hr-tech. Only 5 teams made it to the demo day, which were CashHack, Beh.az, JobUp, Profit and Khazinance. They have pitched their ideas in front of investors and have been challenged with some very tough questions. As a result two teams - CashHack and Beh.az received initial requests to follow up meetings and further negotiations. We wish them good luck in this process and hope to see them at the next stage of the KickBox program - Bluebox!

If you also want to feel the vibe of the demo da, find a link to the video recording of the event below. We wish all the teams who participated in Cohort II best of luck, never lose their passion, drive and keep innovating by testing a lot of innovative ideas.