

Jan 11, 2024 874

The proportion of women working in the IT sector in Azerbaijan is shared!


What is the situation in this field in Azerbaijan? What is the proportion of women working in the IT sector in the country? Is the IT field a priority among girls who plan to study? Does society accept women in the IT sector?

In the global context, there is a significant disparity between the number of men and women working in rapidly developing and high-paying fields such as computer science and engineering. According to sources such as Statista, McKinsey, and the "Women in Tech Empowerment Guide 2023," women constitute only 28% of workers in the fields of computer science and mathematics, and 15.9% in engineering and architecture. Despite women making up 47.7% of the employed population in the United States, only 28% of all employment opportunities in computer science and mathematics are taken by women in the country. Furthermore, women working in the largest IT companies constitute only 26%. In the European Union, women represent only 17% of the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector.

Despite these statistics, there are positive developments when looking back. For instance, according to the results of the DOU 2021 survey, the participation of women in the IT sector increased from 6.8% to 22.3% in ten years. The WonderWoman 2021 survey indicates that 43% of women working in the IT sector have transitioned from other fields.

Regarding the situation in Azerbaijan, official data from the Statistics Committee shows that while there have been positive changes towards gender equality in the workplace, women still constitute only 26% of the labor force in technological fields. Unfortunately, this trend is confirmed by the fact that only 11% of women in higher education institutions study in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Promoting women in STEM fields is a significant issue on the agenda of organizations like Women in Tech.

Women in Tech in Azerbaijan The Women in Tech® Global Movement has been active in Azerbaijan for a year, organizing events such as the "Women in STEM" festival, various themed meetups, STEM training for girls, and meetings. Moreover, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Women in Tech Azerbaijan and the Education Development Fund to establish the "Maya Hacıyeva ICT Skills" scholarship program. It is crucial for both men and women to contribute to eliminating this problem, breaking stereotypes, and fostering a new mindset. For this purpose, Women in Tech conducts awareness and information campaigns among individuals and attracts them to its ranks.

Statistics on Girls in Technology A research initiative conducted by a volunteer of the organization, a student from the 11th grade of Baku European Lyceum, Khalid Abdullayev, aimed to explore the interest of girls in Azerbaijan in the IT field and analyze stereotypes. The study analyzed responses from 161 schoolgirls in Baku and regions. The results show a significant difference in access to technology between girls living in the capital and those in regions. For example, 70% of respondents in Baku have a computer at home, compared to 31.7% in regions. Additionally, even if there is a computer at home, access to it is more limited in regions compared to the capital.

Only 25% of the respondents considered IT as their first choice. However, in regions, 52% of girls who did not choose IT as their first choice believed they could choose this field in the future. In comparison, this figure was 24% among respondents in the capital.

The analysis of survey results indicates that girls believe their parents will support them if they choose IT as a field of activity. The group that is expected to oppose choosing IT as a career option the most includes the brothers and relatives of the girls.

Girls were asked to express their opinions on stereotypes about the IT field. They mentioned that they strongly disagree with the idea that IT is not suitable for girls or that girls cannot succeed in this field. However, they also think that professions like doctor or teacher would be more suitable career choices for girls. According to them, the main approach will be that of their parents.

It's essential to note that initiatives such as free courses created by the government, stories of successful women in STEM, diverse perspectives, positive media coverage of women in the IT field, mentorship programs providing advice and career support, and internship programs by leading companies for girls interested in this field are positive indicators. This suggests that if the work in this direction continues, we can achieve successful results.